
Saturday, February 10, 2018


"The time train, DenLiner! Will its next stop be in the past or the future?" - The announcement of the DenLiner in the beginning of the theme song.

The DenLiner is a transportation in Kamen Rider Den-O, owned by the Owner. It is a system which is a bullet train that's main purpose is to travel through time and to launch attacks against Gigandeaths. The DenLiner will arrive to people who has a Rider Pass and opens the a door within the same hour, minute and second.


It can go through time if a Rider Pass or Rider Ticket is hovered over a person who has made a contract with an Imagin, and is inserted into the Den-Bird, while in the DenLiner. Denliner's time will be in the desired date.

The DenLiner has many forms, which are divided by eight carts, but if Ryoutarou isn't in any form, it will just form a large train. But if he is in a form, the cart will be followed and change form, and become additional weaponry to fight against the Gigandeaths. The DenLiner is also capable of linking up with the ZeroLiner and become more poweful.

If he is in Climax Form, the DenLiner reacts with the state and becomes it's Climax mode when it gets fiery with an aura, and furthermore turning gold in color. The DenLiner also docks at the King Station.

There are also additional carts such as the dining car, the bath car and the sleeping car, where Sieg was found.


  • Owner
  • Naomi
  • Hana
  • Kamen Rider Den-O

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